Do You Have The Courage to Go From a Roommate of Your Husband to a Soulmate?

Learn how to go from "I" to "WE" with your Partner even if you currently feel alone in your Relationship

But Before I tell you more about this Exclusive Opportunity

Which can transform your married life !

Please read this short urgent letter what’s happening with most women lately👇

From the desk of Puja Puneet

From the desk of Puja Puneet

Dear Ladies,

Nowadays, most married woman in INDIA complain that,

Their Conversations with husbands are now limited to necessities only…

What's for dinner? 

Did you pay the bills? 

Have you bought all the groceries list i sent you on Whats app?

How was your day at work today?

Can you pick up the kids from school tomorrow?

And if this filtered conversation was not enough shouting in anger , misunderstanding is normal now…

Getting angry over small things - a cup left on the table, a wet towel on the bed.

You see,their anger has consequences. It affects the home and the child. 

And they hate that their marriage is becoming a negative example for kids.

Friends say it's normal, that this is what marriage is like. 

But what if I told you that you can overcome all this?

₹ 4999

₹ 9999

Offer Expires in

The Physical 2- Day Event The Love Bubble is Your Answer

And that’s exactly why I created this 2- Day program for all the women

What will you Learn in this 2-Day Event:

Hi my name is Puja Puneet

Founder, CEO of Life by Design and Divapreneur by Design, 

After training over 10,000 women every year across corporates, colleges, schools and various forums such as YPO, Rotary, FICCI and so on.

Welcome to "The Love Lab," a space I've created to explore the intriguing world of love with a scientific twist.Together, we'll dive into how it's now possible to predict divorce with 94% accuracy and identify the key indicators behind it. Designed with insights from scientific research, "The Love Lab" aims to deepen your understanding of love's four major complexities and enhance how you manage conflicts and communication within your relationships.

From uncovering the stages of attraction to understanding the psychology of conflict resolution, this 2-Day Physical will shed light on the critical shift from "I" to "We" in our romantic connections.

What Exactly You’ll learn in this 2-Day Live Physical Event?

Day 1: Bursting your Bubble

Day 2: Creating the Love Bubble

Why Join The Love Bubble?

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from my years of experience in empowering women to live their best lives.
  • Practical Tools: Acquire skills and insights you can immediately apply to enhance your relationship and personal growth.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with other women facing similar challenges and build lasting friendships in a supportive environment.
  • Personal Growth: Take proactive steps towards a more fulfilling love life and personal happiness.

Details of the Event:

Join Us and Transform Your Love Life

This workshop is for any woman ready to take control of her happiness, love life, and personal journey. Whether you’re looking to improve your relationship, communicate better, or simply find your place in love, The Love Bubble is here to guide you. Seats are limited to ensure a personalised and impactful experience. Reserve your spot today and take the first step toward a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Meet Your Coach

Puja Puneet


My Story

I received a very promising marriage proposal; one that my parents wouldn’t dream of turning down. I suddenly found myself not with a law degree but with a husband, a house to run, and a part to play.

And I played it well. From the outside, my life looked incredible: I had the perfect husband (kind-hearted and loving, as well as wealthy), two perfect children that I absolutely adored, diamonds, nice cars, brilliant holidays—the works!

And yet, I woke up many mornings wishing I hadn’t. As strange as it seems, I felt hollow and unfulfilled.

A voice in my head was screaming “Puja, there’s something more that you can be doing with your life!” It left me feeling guilty and ungrateful because, in so many ways, my life was wonderful.

When I could no longer ignore that voice in my head, I mustered up the courage to tell my husband that I couldn’t do it anymore. The extent of his support and understanding truly moved me – he wanted me to live out my dreams.

I took a Montessori course and opened a pre-school called Alps in 2006. It was my first professional success, and a few years and hundreds of kids later, I realised that counselling parents was my favourite part of the job. My other favourite pastime was reading self-help books, and that’s when it suddenly clicked that I wanted to help people who struggle the way I had.

I flew halfway across the globe in 2010 to attend Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success, the first of many, many courses I would end up taking from the world’s best teachers like Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy.

In 2011, I launched Life by Design.

I woke up every day with a renewed excitement to live. I discovered that we could all live the life we desire. And ever since that realisation, there’s been no looking back. I’ve always believed that I’ve had a purpose. I fought the odds and embraced my life’s goal.